Imagine a future where your doctor has a super-powered assistant generated by artificial intelligence (AI) that can help them review your entire medical history in seconds, assess your risk of developing certain diseases, and even suggest the most effective treatment options.
This is the exciting reality of AI in healthcare, where technology is empowering doctors to deliver more personalized care.
For example, in the past during a medical exam, you may have noticed your doctor looking at the computer screen taking notes while you discuss your health. Later, your doctor types the notes into a summary that you can view in your patient portal (MyChart or NorthShoreConnect). But what if during that medical exam, the provider was face-to-face with you as the notes were automatically captured, then reviewed and delivered to you shortly after your visit?
Last year, about 50 Endeavor Health clinicians volunteered to help pilot an ambient AI documentation program that, with patient permission, records the conversation during a patient exam and quickly converts it to notes and a summary, significantly reducing the time many physicians spend taking notes during a visit and creating summaries after, ensuring further understanding and accuracy.
“Some clinicians are very efficient, and this technology wouldn’t make a huge difference. But it does reduce their cognitive load, and they don’t have to type things in during the appointment or worry about missing something. They can focus completely on their patient,” said Nadim Ilbawi, MD, a family medicine physician and system medical director, Innovation and Care Models at Endeavor Health.
“Some physicians have 50 charts open, and they spend all night typing notes in. With this technology, what might take 10 minutes to type up is quickly available after the appointment.”
Before using the recording tool, physicians ask patients if it’s OK to use during the visit. If permission is granted, the physician opens an app on their phone and taps a button to begin a secure recording. When the visit is over, they stop recording and the program generates notes to review within 30 to 60 seconds, Ilbawi said.
“Some patients worry about security and where does this recording go?” Ilbawi said. “The recording is held in a secure cloud and is deleted after a short period of time. It’s not stored or accessible beyond its intended purpose.”
Physicians also review the notes to ensure they’re accurate (and the tool is very accurate, Ilbawi said). The program also offers a way to check the notes against a transcript of the recording to double-check the record.
Most of all, AI technology will enable physicians to spend more time and energy on what matters most — their patients.
“The physicians have said this tool allows them to spend more time with their patients and reduces burnout,” Dr. Ilbawi said. “We’re excited to expand the pilot to additional physicians throughout the system to see how this enhances the patient-physician experience.”