Young people are the future of healthcare, and Endeavor Health is working to nurture and encourage the brilliant minds of tomorrow. We’re proud to collaborate with our ASPIRE Lake County partners in that effort through our Community Investment Fund (CIF).

The ASPIRE Lake County Community Workforce Development Program brings together schools, universities, local government and organizations focused on workforce development to expand upon existing programs and co-create new programs providing exposure to healthcare roles, building job skills, and supporting residents to attain healthcare jobs and meet community employment needs.

Endeavor Health’s CIF partnership with ASPIRE Lake County helped support the summer 2024 healthcare internships offered to high school students and community members.

The program placed 21 paid interns in clinical and non-clinical areas at Endeavor Health Highland Park Hospital, so they could learn firsthand how to coordinate and prioritize care.

“I really think of it as growing the next generation of healthcare workers,” said Magdelena Dudek, clinical nurse manager in the operating room at Endeavor Health Highland Park Hospital. She added that the internships helped expose students to career opportunities they may not have known about.

For many interns, the experience solidified their plans to pursue a career in healthcare.

“It actually helped me see what a hospital setting is like, how to talk to people, how to communicate, how to network, how to have patients,” said Madison, an ASPIRE intern. “I feel comfortable knowing this is going to be my life when I start to pursue my career.”

The program not only offers a window to a variety of careers, it also inspires and encourages the next generation of workers.

“We see the impact that it’s having on our interns. When you have that light bulb moment, when someone’s excited and engaged, we know that has an impact academically as well as also personally, socially,” said Jacob Schulz, workforce development program manager with Endeavor Health. “We’re seeing that this impact can cross a lot of different barriers but also really have an impact throughout our community.”

ASPIRE Lake County is a collaboration of community partners, including Endeavor Health, School District 113, School District 116, School District 127, College of Lake County, Rosalind Franklin University, University Center, Lake County Workforce Development and YouthBuild Lake County.